Recruitment & Retention

Verification is LinkedIn’s newest feature

The company believes expanded verification will help recruiters build trust with job-seekers.
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What do Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have that LinkedIn doesn’t? Aside from videos of unexpected animal friendships, there’s a level of verification that LinkedIn hasn’t historically applied: verification.

Until now.

What’s new? Job-seekers and recruiters alike are inundated with increasingly sophisticated job scams, opening job-seekers up to wasted time, and worse, identity theft. “Job scammers are trying to prey on people’s desire to be flexible,” ZipRecruiter lead economist Sinem Buber told the Washington Post.

In response, LinkedIn launched new features on May 22 that attempt to help employers show they’re legit, according to a post from Rohan Rajiv, director of product management at LinkedIn. Applicants can now see verifications for jobs and profiles, as well as warnings if messages look suspect.

All LinkedIn users now have the option to verify their work email address and workplace for free, and verify their government ID via Clear, which LinkedIn has partnered with. The goal is for real people to connect with real jobs, and increase trust between users. “We’re showing these verifications to help you feel confident in your search and give recruiters the opportunity to build trust with potential candidates,” the post said.

As LinkedIn continues to roll out new verification tools, the company recommends users remain alert for potential scams.

Unfortunately, no word yet on the platform’s lack of animal BFFs.—KP

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